Getting Started with RedisInsight

This Agreement commences on the Effective Date of the Transaction and continues until all of Customer’s Free Subscriptions and Commercial Subscriptions expire or either Party terminates this Agreement earlier in accordance with this Section. Either Party may terminate...

Entering The Metaverse

There’s much debate about how this new tech functions and what it will yield. In recent months, many have questioned the hype; but one need only look back on the ascent of Web2 (the internet as we know it now) to see how rapidly technologies can evolve. In the coming...

The Web Development Team Structure You Should Know as a Stakeholder

The usability lead works closely with the information architect—in fact, the same individual often fills both information architect and usability roles. As the primary user advocate on the development team, the usability lead has responsibility for user testing, user...

Best Cross Platform App Development Frameworks in 2023

PhoneGap is one of the best cross-platform app development tools offering language support like JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS. This is known to have changed the field mobile development field considerably. PhoneGap is a good choice if you are looking for cross-platform...

Extract any API data to your database

The Java API for I/O provides such flexibility, allowing to read and write binary and textual content (with various encodings), buffered or not, with custom classes, etc. Freemium APIs are RESTful APIs that allow a certain number of requests before being charged. For...

7 strategies for running effective remote meetings

What’s different with a remote meeting is that you’re just not all in the same physical space. Instead, you’re linked live via technology – phone or the internet. Ideally using video in a way that everyone can see everyone else, but “virtual reality” and even text...